Friday, June 8, 2012


My little brother came home today!!!  Yayy me!! My little brother's name is Wilson (btw his name is by no means pronounced the way it is spelled), he's 12 years old, and he's the cutest thing ever in life!! He is by far my favorite person in the house (aside from my host mom, that is).  He helps me with my language homework and cheers and claps whenever I get something right and he quizzes me just about all day long (whenever he's home) which is very helpful when I am trying to remember verbs, nouns, and some useful short phrases.  He has been at boarding school for the past week and so when I came home today, I had no idea he would actually be here.  As soon as I walked through the back gate, I looked up at the door and all I heard was, "YESS!"  This absolutely made my day.  He got so excited when he saw it was me; and little did he know, as soon as I saw him, I said the same thing in my head.  I finally understand what people mean when they say that nothing in the Peace Corps brightens your day like the kids do.  You can have the worst, crappiest day, but when you see that familiar smiling face of one of the village children, all of the crap disappears and everything is okay again.  Me and my little brother ended up playing our usual card games for the rest of the day...Go Fish and Slap Jack, and then he helped with my homework.  I heart that little guy.  I think that's angel #4 for me...they just keep on coming!

Love and Peace Corps,

(Written on 6/1/12)

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