Monday, October 8, 2012

More Randomness

I'm a Boss
One of my coworkers wore his good hat to work today (which happens to be a forest green cowboy hat) and asked me to help him take a photo for his FB profile picture...I obliged and helped him, and when we were all finished and his profile picture was updated, he displayed a proud smile and said very confidently, "I'm a boss."  I laughed. I will forever wonder where they learn these things.

The last thing I would have ever expected to be called in Rwanda is racist.  I was showing one of my coworkers some of the photos in my phone and when we were finished he said, "I think you are racist."  I told him I wasn't and asked why he would think so.  He said, "You are lying.  You are racist because you only have black people in your phone."  I didn't quite know how to respond, but I did my best to defend myself and tell him that most of the photos are of my family and they are all I am.  Everyone here has a hard time believing that I come from a black family since my skin is so light; so they think I'm a white person who doesn't like whites.  Imagine that.

Out of Gas

I thought I escaped this dilemma when I came to Africa, but I guess I was wrong.  Out of pure laziness and pushing the limits of my car, I can remember two times that I almost ran out of gas (or actually did run out of gas) in America.  And it's looking like this habit has followed me to Africa.  I was on a moto to the next village to check the progress on my furniture and what happened on the long stretch of open road with no one and nothing in sight??  The moto runs out of gas.  So here I am, sitting on the back of a moto in the blazing hot Rwanda sun, waiting for someone, anyone, to pass by and feel generous enough to bring us back some gasoline.

Speaking of Gas...
Pooting and burping here in public is perfectly okay...however, I think these are the two most disgusting things ever in life.  Every morning in our staff meetings, the person giving the daily report burps aloud in between sentences, and proceeds to give their report as if that natural, but rude, interruption didn't occur.  I wince every time in disgust and I can't quite seem to get used to it.  When I was little, I used to get in trouble for burping with my mouth shut so I'm sure you can see why I think it's so disgusting.  One day I finally I told one of my coworkers that in America, burping and pooting in public is not okay.  His response was this, "One day I am going to have gas and I am going to do it in front of you.  And it will be like a bomb; even the windows and doors will break."  I'm pretty sure after hearing this, I turned green in the face.  So friggin gross!

Love and Peace Corps,

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