Sunday, August 12, 2012

Held Hostage

Ohemgee! I never in a million years would have thought this possible, but I was just held hostage!  In my own house!  By a fourteen year girl! 

Of course on the one day (Sundays) that I choose as my day to relax and get some downtime, pretty much every body and their mama wants to come by and visit me!  Now I don't mind visitors, the company is nice from time to time, but today is my one day to not have to speak extensive amounts of Kinyarwanda and to take a mental break so that I don't go absolutely crazy out here.  First the phone guy came over for me to charge his phone, then some man who wanted to sell me some over-priced eggs, then my neighbor's daughter so that she could ask me if I would braid her hair (at that very moment), and lastly was the girl who held me hostage.  From the phone guy to my neighbor, I did pretty good at getting rid of everyone quickly, but this last chick just wouldn't leave!  Usually when I don't really feel like company, I just sit there in silence, and eventually the guest will get bored and leave.  However this little gimmick didn't quite work with the 14 year old.  We sat for nearly two hours in silence and she never got the point to leave!  Finally, I had to say to her, "I am going to take a nap."  She proceeded to sit there, like okay, I don't mind sitting here until you wake up.  Then I said again, "I am going to take a nap."  And she gave me the same look.  So again I said, "I am going to take a nap."  Only this time I added on, "You are going home?"  This last part was more a statement than a question, but it seemed to work.  She hopped up (unoffended) and thanked me for my time.  I thanked her for coming to visit and quickly shut the door behind her in case she had any fancy ideas to come back in.

That was definitely the worse and longest two hours of my life!  All I want is one day each week to have some me time.  Is that too much to ask??

Love and Peace Corps,

(Written on 8/12/12 at 5:18p)

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